The Illustrated Jataka : Other Stories of the Buddha by C.B. Varma
055 - Champeyya / चंपेय्य नाग

सील - पारमिता को सिद्ध करने के लिए नागराज चंपेय्य ने संन्यास वरण किया। (बौद्धों में यह अवधारणा है कि दान, शील, धैर्य आदि दस गुणों के परम आचरण से बुद्धत्व की प्राप्ति होती है, और उसकी संपूर्ण सिद्धि पारमिता कहलाती है।

संन्यास वरण कर चंपेय्य चींटियों के पर्वत पर जाकर साधना में लीन हो गया। वहाँ एक सँपेरे ने उसे पकड़ा और शहर-शहर अपनी बीन की धुन पर नचाने लगा।

चंपेय्य ने जब संन्यास वरण किया था तब उसकी रानी सुमना गर्भवती थी। पुत्र को जन्म देने के बाद वह भी अपने पति की खोज में अपने बच्चे को उठाये शहर-शहर घूमती रहती।

एक दिन सुमना ने अपने पति को वाराणसी नरेश अग्रसेन के दरबार में एक सँपेरे की बीन के सामने नाचते देखा।

सुमना को अचानक वाराणसी दरबार में उपस्थित देख चंपेय्य भी चौंक उठा और उसने अपना नृत्य बन्द कर दिया। जब सभी चंपेय्य के व्यवहार से आश्चर्य-चकित थे तो सुमना दौड़ती हुई राजा अग्रसेन के पास पहुँची और अपनी सारी राम-कहानी सुनायी। राजा उसकी करुण-कहानी से प्रभावित हुआ और उसने चंपेय्य को मुक्त करके नाग-लोक वापिस जाने की सुविधा उपलब्ध करा दी।

अग्रसेन ने नागराज का निमन्त्रण भी स्वीकार किया और कुछ दिनों के लिए नागलोक में भी अतिथि के रुप में रहा। वहाँ वह चंपेय्य से उपदेश ग्रहण करने के बाद वापिस अपने राज्य को लौट आया।

O nce Bodhisatta was born as a Naga king Champeyya in the Champa river as a result of his desire to enjoy the royal life of the Naga world. He was married to an extremely pretty princess Sumana and enjoyed all sorts of luxuries and comforts. But soon he developed detachment to the royal life-style. He aspired to lead a life of recluse to practise Sila-Paramita (perfection of the righteous conduct). Sumana, the queen consort was alarmed and tried to dissuade him from such aspirations. Yet, her best allurements and efforts could not change the mind of the king and one day he eventually abdicated the throne to lead a life of an ascetic much to the grief of his pregnant consort. He retired on an ant-hill to practise his holy fast for certain number of days; and to dedicate his life to the service of the others.

Champeyya, Ajanta

Champeyya and Sumana with the baby , Ajanta

Naga king Champeyya and his consort Suman in the royal palace. The king appears to be detached and dispassionate  

Naga king Champeyya and his consort Suman in the royal palace. The king appears to be detached and dispassionate, Ajanta

When he lay deep in his meditation on the ant-hill a snake charmer caught sight of him. Certainly the large snake was a prized prey for him. He pronounced his mantra to subdue the snake. The mantra , however, failed to have any effect on the Naga. 

The snake charmer is showing his tricks and Varanasi people are watching, Ajanta

Yet, the snake pretended as if he was overpowered by the charm. The charmer put him in the basket and took him from one place to other and made him dance to his tunes on every road-side passing through Avanti, Savatthi and Vidisa until he reached Varanasi, the kingdom of king Uggasena.

In the meanwhile Sumana, the pregnant queen, who could not bear the pangs of separation from her husband ignored the advice of all including the royal physician and wandered from place to place to look for her beloved husband. On the way, she gave birth to the new king. Nonetheless, she kept on wandering for several years until one day,   she could find out the serpent king dancing to the tune of a snake charmer in the court of Varanasi.

The sudden appearance of his wife with her son clad like a beggar shocked the serpent king. So, he abruptly stopped dancing to the surprise of all including the king. 

The surprise moment when the serpent king stopped dancing at the sight of ill-clad Sumana and his son; and Uggasena expresses his surprise at the discontinuation of the dance, Ajanta

Now, Sumana made a formal request to king Uggasena to help her husband free at least for the sake of her son; and narrated her story. The king was impressed and acceded to her request. He got the Naga king released to join his family. The serpent king then invited him to visit the Naga world. The Varanasi king accepted the invitation and enjoyed his hospitality for seven days.

(Champeyya is identified with the Bodhisatta; Sumana with Yasodhara; Uggasena with Sariputta; and the snake charmer with Devadatta).


See Sankhapala Jataka   Jataka Pali No.506.

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