वाराणसी में एक
राजा राज्य करता था। उसके दो ही शौक थे। एक तो वह अतिविशिष्ट
व्यंजनों का भोजन करना चाहता था ; और दूसरा वह यह चाहता था कि
लोग उसे खाता हुआ देखें।
एक दिन जब वह लोगों के सामने बैठा नाना प्रकार की चीजें खा रहा था, तभी एक
व्यक्ति चिल्लाता हुआ उस के पास आया। वह कह रहा था, " वह एक दूत है।" सिपाहियों ने जब उसे
रोकना चाहा तो राजा ने राजकीय शिष्टाचार के
अनुरुप उस व्यक्ति को अपने बराबर के आसन पर
बिठा अपने साथ ही खाना खिलाया।
भोजन के बाद राजा ने जब उससे पूछा कि वह किस देश का दूत था तो उसने कहा कि वह किसी देश का दूत नहीं
बल्कि मात्र अपने भूखे पेट का दूत था। उसने यह कहा, "हर कोई पेट का दूत होता है और पेट की क्षुधा
बुझाने के लिए अनेकों उपक्रम करता है।
अत: वह भी एक दूत है ; और क्षम्य है।"
राजा को उसका तर्क पसंद आया और उसने उस
व्यक्ति को माफ कर दिया।
O nce,
the prince of Varanasi went to Taxila for his education and training. Upon
his return his father died and he succeeded him as the king on the throne
of Varanasi. As
he was a dainty eater people called him King Dainty. Further, he was so
extravagant in eating that he spent one hundred thousand pieces on one dish.
He also had the habit to invite the people and made them watch what he ate.
For this he had a pavilion built in front of his palace door and in its
the middle he got one golden dais constructed, where he sat and ate. Thus,
when he ate, the people could watch him.
One day, when he was sitting
and eating in front of the people, a man suddenly jumped on the dais and
shouted, I am an envoy! I am an envoy!! As he introduced himself as an
envoy, no body could dare to prevent him. The man then scooped at one of
the dishes, much to offend the by standers. Considering his act to be rude,
the soldiers drew out their sword to slay him. But the king refrained them
and allowed the man to eat to his satisfaction. The man enjoyed all the
sumptuous dishes. When the man finished his meals, the king himself offered
him his drinking water and betel nut. Next, he asked him, whose envoy was
he; and what message was he carrying.
man said,
king! I am the envoy and messenger of Belly
O lord of chariots dont be angry
the bellys sake men go very far
approaching an enemy they find no bar.
The king was pleased with this reply. He admitted
the veracity of the statement. Truly, the people are dictated for most of
their actions by their bellies.
with the answer the King gave him hundred cows in reward and retired to
his chamber.
See Duta Jataka Jataka
Pali No.260.