Illustrated Jataka : Other Stories of the Buddha by C.B. Varma
Story of Sudasa |
सुदास नामक एक राजा एक घने वन में
शिकार खेलता अपने साथियों से बिछुड़ गया। थकान
से चूर, घोड़े से उतर वह एक पेड़ के नीचे
बैठ गया वहाँ बैठते ही उसे गहरी नींद आ गई। O nce,
Sudasa a king of Varanasi went on a hunting expedition in a dense forest;
and lost his way. Tired and separated from his men he dismounted from his
horse and slept under a tree. Charmed by his physical beauty and
masculinity a lioness started licking his face and his horse watched her
in horror. When the king woke up and saw the lioness in a seductive
gesture, he accepted her invitation and married her. In course of time she
bore him a son, who was called Kalmasapadasa. (The story of Kalmasapasada
is narrated in the Sutasoma
Jataka). Since then he enjoyed living in the forest with his lioness
espouse. One day, he thought of returning to his kingdom. So, he looked for the way, back to his city and eventually succeeded. He came to the fringe of the forest near Varanasi and asked the lioness to wait for him; and himself went to his kingdom and announced his return. When his return was being celebrated he engineered a plot to let the lioness sneak inside the palace. Thus he brought his family back home safely. The lioness sneaking inside the palace, Ajanta |
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